Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery dergisi tarafından aldığımız gurur verici teşekkür mektubu
2016’de alanındaki en prestijli ve dünyadaki cerrahi dergiler arasında 6.sırada yer alan Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery’de tamamen Türkiye’de yapmış olduğumuz ve değişik branşlardan arkadaşlarımızın yer aldığı malign plevral mezotelyoma ile ilgili klinik çalışmamız yayınlanmıştı. 7 Mart’ta derginin Editöründen, şahsı ve editörler kurulu adına yayınımızın başarısı ile ilgili aşağıdaki teşekkür mektubunu aldık. Bu yayınımız 2018 yılında Sciencedirect’ten 158 kez indirilmiş ve Scopus’ta 26 atıf almış. Ülkemiz adına büyük mutluluk ve gurur duyduk.
Yayın Künyesi: Batirel HF, Metintas M, Caglar HB, Ak G, Yumuk PF, Yildizeli B, Yuksel M.
Adoption of pleurectomy and decortication for malignant mesothelioma leads to
similar survival as extrapleural pneumonectomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016
Feb;151(2):478-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2015.09.121.
We had published our clinical study on malignant pleural mesothelioma in 2016 in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. JTCVS is the leading journal in our field and 6th among surgical journals. On the 7th of March, we received the email below thanking for the success of our paper from the Editor Richard Wiesel on behalf of the Editorial Board. Our paper was downloaded 158 times from Sciencedirect and cited 26 times in Scopus in year 2018. We were delighted and proud on behalf of our country.
Dear Dr. Batırel H.,
Along with the entire Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Editorial Board, I would like to offer you my heartfelt thanks for selecting JTCVS to publish your article: Adoption of pleurectomy and decortication for malignant mesothelioma leads to similar survival as extrapleural pneumonectomy.
We would also like to offer our congratulations because as of the end of 2018 your article secured 158 downloads via ScienceDirect and 26 citations via Scopus contributing to the journal’s traditions of publishing impactful research.
We hope you will consider submitting your next paper with us, where you can be certain that through the reach, exposure and profile of JTCVS, your ideas will be viewed by interested clinicians, stimulating their own thoughts and research.